Honey benefits and side effects

Honey benefits and side effects

What is honey? Honey nutrients, Rules for eating honey, Benefits of eating honey,  Side effects of eating honey.

Honey benefits and side effects
Picture: Honey

What is honey?

Honey is a sweet, thick liquid that is made from bee and other insect flower extracts and preserves the bee. It is a herbal liquid with high medicinal value; It's delicious. Bees store honey in a wax structure called a beehive, where stingless bees store honey in containers made of wax and resin.

Honey nutrients

Honey has more than 45 nutritional values. Here are some of them,

 Honey contains 25 to 37 percent glucose, 34 to 43 percent fructose, 0.5 to 3.0 percent sucrose, 5 to 12 percent Montrose, 22 percent amino acids, 28 percent mineral salts, 11 percent enzymes, 100 grams of honey contains 303 calories, vitamins B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Iodine, Zinc, Copper, Antibacterial Ingredients, Antimicrobial Ingredients.

Rules for eating honey

1. It is not advisable to mix honey with hot water or hot milk.

2. Never eat honey hot or cooked.

3. If you want to eat honey with milk, first cool the milk.

4. The best time to eat honey is to eat honey on an empty stomach in the morning.

5. Older honey is more effective than newly collected honey.

Honey benefits and side effects

Honey has been linked to health benefits such as improving heart disease, wound healing, and antioxidant status in the blood. However, overeating due to its high sugar and calorie content can have adverse effects.

Benefits of eating honey

 1. Energy-giving: Honey is good energy-giving food. Good source of heat and energy. Honey keeps the body healthy by providing heat and energy to the body.

 2. Assistance indigestion: The sugars in honey are easily digested. This is because the dextrin it contains enters the bloodstream directly and acts immediately.

3. Relieves constipation: Honey contains vitamin B-complex. It relieves diarrhea and constipation.

4. In anemia: Honey is very effective in anemia as it helps in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.

5. Cure-all lung diseases and shortness of breath: Honey is beneficial in all lung diseases. If an asthma patient eats honey regularly, his breathing difficulties will be reduced.

6. Insomnia: Honey is a good remedy for insomnia. Mixing two teaspoons of honey with a glass of water before going to bed at night leads to deep sleep.

7. In sexual weakness: Men who have sexual weakness, if they eat a mixture of honey and gram every day, will get a lot of benefits.

8. Soothing drink: Honey mixed with light hot milk is a soothing drink.

9. To protect the oral cavity: Honey is used to protect the health of the oral cavity. When honey is used on the teeth, it prevents tooth decay. Inflammation of the gums is relieved by gargling with water mixed with honey.

10. Stomach health: Honey strengthens the stomach and eliminates digestive disturbances.

11. In heat production: One or two teaspoons of honey, one cup of boiled water, the body is clean and fresh.

12. Dehydration: In case of diarrhea, dehydration can be prevented by mixing 50 ml of honey in one liter of water.

13. To improve eyesight: Mixing honey with carrot juice increases eyesight.

14. Rupacarcaya: Honey is also used to increase the smoothness of facial skin.

15. Reduces excess weight: Increases body strength by eliminating fatigue in the human body. Cleanses the stomach, reduces fat, resulting in weight loss.

16. Helps in digestion: Honey is easily digested and helps indigestion.

17. Voice of voice: Makes the voice of voice beautiful and sweet.

18. To maintain youth: Honey makes skin color and skin beautiful. Increases the overall strength and youth of the body.

19. In the formation of bones and teeth: Calcium is an important ingredient in honey. Calcium keeps teeth, bones, hair follicles strong.

20. To cure anemia and constipation: Honey eliminates anemia and constipation.

21. In the treatment of diarrhea and stomach ailments: Honey is beneficial in curing various complex diseases including chronic diarrhea and stomach ailments.

22. To prevent asthma: Mix an equal quantity of honey and ginger with half a gram of ground black pepper. Eat this mixture at least three times a day. It helps prevent asthma.

23. Reduces high blood pressure: Mix one teaspoon of garlic juice with two teaspoons of honey. Eat this mixture twice a day. Regular use reduces high blood pressure.

24. Blood cleanser: Mix one or two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice with a glass of hot water. It helps to cleanse the blood. It also cleans the blood vessels.

25. Assist in blood production: Honey contains blood-producing ingredients. Iron makes the blood components more effective and strong.

26. Heart Disease: One or two teaspoons of honey mixed with one teaspoon of fennel powder acts as a tonic for heart disease.

Side effects of eating honey

What are the disadvantages of honey and under what circumstances or with what things honey should not be eaten?

1. Avoid overeating

If you eat honey as regular food, one to two teaspoons is enough throughout the day and if you use it as medicine or for the skin, take and use it according to the dose prescribed by the doctor. Excessive honey consumption can cause side effects nausea and vomiting and in some cases diarrhea.

2. Do not feed honey to a child under one year of age

In modern medical practice, it is believed that children under one year of age should not be fed honey. This can put children at risk for botulism. Therefore, if you want to feed honey to a child under one year of age, consult a doctor first. Similarly, the use of sweeteners on the skin of young children should be avoided.

3. People with allergies to pollen grains should avoid it

If you are allergic to pollen grains, you should avoid eating or using honey. Studies have shown that people who are allergic to pollen grains if they use honey, their allergies may increase.

4. People with sensitive skin should avoid it

If your skin is very sensitive, do not apply honey directly, but apply rose water or milk mixed with honey on the skin. The mixture of milk and honey is considered to be very beneficial for the skin.

5. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels

The question remains in the minds of many diabetics who can consume honey? Or is honey more beneficial for diabetics than sugar? Eating honey boosts the body's immune system, which helps prevent diabetes. But keep in mind that if your sugar levels remain uncontrolled, avoid eating honey. Diabetics must consult a doctor before consuming honey.

6. Patients with high blood pressure

If you are already taking antihypertensive drugs, keep checking your blood pressure every day while taking honey.

7. Do not take equal amounts of ghee and honey

Ayurveda recommends not eating equal amounts of ghee and honey together. In Ayurveda, it has been placed in the category of anti-diet. So do not eat an equal amount of honey with ghee.

8. During pregnancy and lactation

Although the benefits of honey are good for people of all ages, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should eat it in limited quantities. If you want to take honey in the form of medicine, follow the advice of a gynecologist.

9. Do not drink in hot water

When drinking honey mixed with lukewarm water, always keep in mind that the water should not boil at all and never boil honey mixed with water as these also go against the diet. So always use honey with lukewarm water or normal temperature water.

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